The 2019 Employee Representative Conference and 16th General Meeting of Shareholders of Haihe Group were successfully held

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On the afternoon of March 9th,the 2019 Annual Workers'Congress and the 16th General Meeting of Shareholders were held at the headquarters of Haihe Group.The meeting was chaired by Blue Zhenda,the deputy general manager of the company,and attended by the company's staff representatives.At the meeting,Chairman Wang Dajun summarized the work situation of the whole year in 2018 and made arrangements for the development plan of the company in 2019.

II.Speech by the Chairman of the Group

Wang Dajun,Chairman of the Board,made a summary report on the overall business situation of the company in 2018.With the joint efforts of the cadres and workers,the company achieved excellent results in 2018,and Haihe Group made outstanding achievements.All business indicators showed an upward trend compared with last year.

2019 is a more important year for the development of our company.We must focus on revenue generation and sales while also managing costs and further strengthening environmental preparation work.We must remain committed to providing consumers with healthy and safe products and ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise.

The meeting emphasized that quality is the lifeblood of Haihe,and adhering to quality first is the foundation for the company's continued survival and development.The company's business purpose is to provide consumers with healthy and safe food as its mission.

III.Report of the Deputy General Manager of the Company

Tan Li,Qin Wei,Zhao Zhirong,Zhu Jianyong,and Yang Shaoqing,the deputy general managers of Haihe Group,highly agreed with the chairman's business plan for 2019,and emphasized the export work,domestic sales work,and work management in 2019.